19 October, 2011

Black This Out Moneybomb

Black This Out Moneybomb today at http://www.ronpaul2012.com

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07 September, 2011

These lines lie and that means NBC lies

Most people only look at lines on pretty graphs. THESE LINES LIE!

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09 May, 2011

Save Me From Heroin, Government - Ron Paul Telling it Like it is.

Save Me From Drugs, Government!!! Ron Paul 2012 Debate Heroin. Ron Paul supports the legalization of marijuana, prostitution, even heroine.

Ron Paul answering with the common sense you will never hear from any politician left or right wing.

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05 May, 2011

Breaking down a "scientific" article.

When I was in college getting a Master degree in Psychology, it hit me one day that everything I am learning, I already knew; I was only learning fancy words for it.

This article I thought was full of changing those fancy new words for even newer fancier words with nothing new really to be learned, that and some propaganda thrown on top like a cherry on a pie.

My rebuttal will be in bold.

Scientist seeks to banish evil, boost empathy

* Psychopathology expert says idea of evil has done no good

* Sees empathy as world's most valuable but ignored resource

By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent

LONDON, May 5 (Reuters) - Simon Baron-Cohen has been battling with evil all his life.

As a scientist seeking to understand random acts of violence, from street brawls to psychopathic killings to genocide, he has puzzled for decades over what prompts such acts of human cruelty. And he's decided that evil is not good enough.

"I'm not satisfied with the term 'evil'," says the Cambridge University psychology and psychiatry professor, one of the world's top experts in autism and developmental psychopathology.

"We've inherited this word.. and we use it to express our abhorrence when people do awful things, usually acts of cruelty, but I don't think it's anything more than another word for doing something bad. And as a scientist that doesn't seem to me to be much of an explanation. So I've been looking for an alternative -- we need a new theory of human cruelty."

How about a psychopath that does bad things is EVIL? No, I can't sell a book with one page either. Better come up with some fluff...

Baron-Cohen, who is also director of the Autism Research Centre at Cambridge, has just written a book in which he calls for a kind of rebranding of evil to offer a more scientific explanation for why people kill and torture, or have such great difficulty understanding the feelings of others.

His proposal is that evil be understood as a lack of empathy -- a condition he argues can be measured and monitored and is susceptible to education and treatment.


Baron-Cohen defines empathy in two parts -- as the drive to identify another person's thoughts and feelings, and the drive to respond appropriately to those thoughts and feelings.

It is also, he says, one of the most valuable resources in our world -- one which is currently woefully underused.

"We all have degrees of empathy... but perhaps we are not using it to its full potential," he explained in an interview with Reuters after delivering a lecture in London.

He says erosion of empathy is an important global issue that affects the health of communities, be they small ones like families, or big ones like nations.

If we all used our ability to empathise more, and recognised its value, he says, conflicts such as the decades of tit-for-tat violence between Palestinians and Israelis could be resolved.

We sure got into this subject rather quickly. I don't even know where to begin but I agree, the Israelis should empathize with the Palestinians more, after all they came in and took their land and basically put them in segregation, but really, in a scientific article? Let's move on.

"If you think about conflict resolution at the moment, usually we are dependent on diplomatic channels, legal frameworks, or military methods. But all those things operate at a very abstract level and they don't seem to get us very far.

"Empathy is about two people -- two people meeting, getting to know each other and tuning in to what the other person is thinking and feeling."

As an example, Baron-Cohen cites the meeting of minds between Nelson Mandela and the then South African president F. W de Klerk, which helped end apartheid in the early 1990s.

"The progress that came out of just that one relationship -- well, arguably, it broke through where all other methods had failed, and at far less cost in terms of human life," he says.


While this statement is true, it is also true that a pure psychopath has no feelings of embarrassment, or any other strong emotions. It is not that they do not have empathy, it's that they have no hang-ups about anything they do. Obviously they must retain a feeling of enjoyment somehow for some of the abhorrent things some of them do. They must be getting some reward for their sick behavior.

A Jewish upbringing peppered with tales about the horrors of the Nazis' treatment of Jews and other minorities was early motivation for Baron-Cohen to seek to deconstruct human cruelty

He cites times when his father told him how the Nazis turned Jews into lampshades, or into bars of soap, and a tale about the mother of a family friend whose hands had been severed by Nazi scientists who switched them around and sewed them back on again so that her thumbs were on the outside.

If he sites these things, perhaps the author could cite it for us? I googled "sewed hands backwards" and only came up with this article. I'm gonna have to call BS on this entire paragraph until some citation is provided.

"Today, almost half a century after my father's revelations...my mind is still exercised by the same single objective: to understand human cruelty," he writes in his book.

I too am curious about such behavior as well as lack of ethics when writing fantastic statements and not including proof. Is it up to the reader to validate the claims made in this article? One could say that is is not very empathetic towards the reader to make them do such research on a topic that is supposedly so well researched in the first place.

In the book, entitled "Zero Degrees of Empathy" in Britain, and "The Science of Evil" in the United States, where it comes out in July, Baron-Cohen seeks to pick apart and define components of empathy -- including hormones, genes, environment, nurture, and early childhood experiences.

I'm going to guess.. High testosterone, alcoholic dad not present in upbringing and an abusive mother? I bet I'm in the ballpark.

Citing decades of scientific research, he says there are at least 10 regions of the brain which make up what he calls the "empathy circuit". When people hurt others, either systematically or fleetingly, parts of that circuit are malfunctioning.

Baron-Cohen also sets out an "empathy spectrum" ranging from zero to six degrees of empathy, and an "empathy quotient" test, whose score puts people on various points along that spectrum.

Drawing a classic bell curve on a graph, Baron-Cohen says that thankfully, the vast majority of humans are in the middle of the bell curve spectrum, with a few particularly attuned and highly empathetic people at the top end.

I would wager that if one is too "empathetic" they are probably a little neurotic. "Ohh that poor ant I stepped on, poor little bugger, Ohh no! I stepped on another one. I better lock myself inside the house so I dont do that anymore. Ohh there's a fly inside, come little fly, lets go outside with your friends..." I'm being a bit over the top, but I hope you gather my meaning

Psychopaths, narcissists, and people with borderline personality disorder sit at the bottom end of the scale -- these people have "zero degrees of empathy".

He is grouping AXIS I disorders with AXIS II disorders here, I just wanted to point that out. I'm not very surprised either, are you?

But rather than labelling them as evil, Baron-Cohen says they should be seen as sick, or "disabled", and we should seek to understand why they have such an empathy deficiency and help them replace it.

Baron-Cohen shies away from saying that psychopaths can be "cured" of extreme behaviour, but he argues strongly against locking them up and saying there is nothing society can do.

As long as they do no harm to others in any fashion, I agree, BUT what Mr. Cohen knows and fails to mention is that psychopaths are fully aware of the laws they are breaking and they do not care about any repercussion from that. I'm sure there are thousands of psychopaths that have self control and are working very successfully at sales and perhaps writing about behavioral phenomenon.

"I try to keep an open mind. I would never want to say a person is beyond help," he explains. "Empathy is a skill like any other human skill -- and if you get a chance to practise, you can get better at it." (Editing by Mark Trevelyan)


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29 April, 2011

April 27 2011 Tuscaloosa Alabama Tornado Damage Aerials

April 27 2011 Tuscaloosa Alabama Tornado Damage Aerials

Tuscaloosa tornado damage, shot by Bill Castle of ABC 33/40 in Birmingham.

This is part 1 of 4 uploaded so far. More can be seen at the abc3340 youtube page. I have posted links below to more footage, and their page has even more.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Birmingham AL Aerials

Pratt City Aerials

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate

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26 April, 2011

Royal Wedding Exposed

Royal Wedding Exposed

Royal Wedding Exposed

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21 April, 2011

DHS Launches New Alert System Designed to Terrorize Public

DHS Launches New Alert System Designed to Terrorize Public

Kurt Nimmo & Alex Jones
April 21, 2011

In order to keep the phony war on manufactured terrorism in your face 24-7, the government has trashed its old and absurd color-coded system in favor of a new and more obnoxious system.

“The terrorist threat facing our country has evolved significantly over the past ten years,” said Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, regardless of the fact that there has not been a staged terror attack since cave Muslims did or didn’t slam airliners into skyscrapers and presumably the most defended building on earth.

As part of the propaganda effort, Napolitano and the DHS claim attacks have been either disrupted or uncovered in the past few years, including a cartoonish attempt by a supposed al-Qaeda affiliate in Yemen to detonate toner cartridges packed with explosives aboard U.S.-bound cargo planes.

Most of the “uncovered” terror plots were designed by the FBI and involved clueless and often mentally deficient patsies. As for the laughable toner terror plot, it turns out there were no UPS or DHL cargo flights from Yemen within a 48 hour period prior to the supposed terror attack. The government claimed CIA operative Anwar al-Awlaki was behind the bombings. Mr. al-Awlaki was at one time a preferred dinner guest at the Pentagon.

Moreover, a number of the supposed hijackers listed their addresses on drivers licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Florida, and others received instruction at the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama, and at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. Of course, this puzzling information was long ago excised from the official 9/11 fairy tale and the Pentagon admission that Atta and crew were under its wing has been memory holed.

More Here.

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06 April, 2011

How Stupid Does The Media Think We Are?

We've been hearing about an upswing in violence in Afghanistan aimed at Americans lately. The media is blaming this on some redneck pastor in Florida burning the Koran.

Oddly, there are no reports, that I can find, of violence directed at Americans for this reason in any other country except Afghanistan. It would appear that the Media has forgotten that just last week, reports were everywhere about a (hopefully small) contingency of US soldiers taking pictures of civilians they had killed as if it were a prized deer.

One must ask weather the media is trying to white wash this story, or are they simply trying to get the populace to forget it even happened in the first place. I'm sure that images like these (below) of soldiers posing with dead civilians are much more infuriating to the people of Afghanistan than is some redneck in Florida burning a book.

Common sense tells me that the media is covering up the real reason behind the anger. Again, I must mention that the only people that seem to be angry enough about this to kill, are Afghans. It would seem that the entire Muslim world would be mad about this; even the guys at the gas station that sell me gas and know my name, and smile and ask how I'm doing when I come in. They sure don't seem to have ill feelings towards me. What could be the media's motivation for this obvious deception? Perhaps to further radicalize the western views of Islam?

Our media needs to stop omitting the truth when they tell their tales. It almost seems like they are explaining issues to us like a parent would to their five year old; hiding the scary truth so we don't have bad dreams. That has the opposite effect on me, it gives me bad dreams. I think I would sleep better at night if I felt I could truly trust our media. If you trust the media, please comment and tell me how that is possible.

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29 March, 2011

Breaking down Obama's Libya Speech

Breaking down Obama's Libya Speech

Watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gvb6jPN_Wg

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28 March, 2011

North Alabama Monitoring Site Showing Alert levels of Radiation

Click the image above to enlarge.

North Alabama Monitoring Site Showing Alert levels of Radiation

I took this screen cap from:

This image is showing alert levels for the Huntsville Area. It has been bouncing around from 130 to 160 this morning. I looked at some Huntsville news pages and found no mention of what this might mean.

According to radiationnetwork.com, the alert level is 100 Counts per Minute or higher. I will continue to monitor the levels and post my findings. Right now it is at 154 Counts per Minute

UPDATE 9:07 CDT: After peaking near 160 it appeared to stop reporting. Readings were "0" for a while and now the site is reporting levels at or near what seems to be within a normal range. I suppose this will be explained as equipment malfunction.

UPDATE: Apparently this could have been an actual alert. This is from radiationnetwork.com "Update: 3/28/11, 6:05 A.M. Something triggered a Radiation Alert this morning at a Monitoring Station in northern Alabama. We are trying to track down the reason behind it."

UPDATE: Keep track of other updates from this developing story by clicking here.

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23 March, 2011

Senator Chris Coons "Old Constitution"?

I never got around to posting this one here...

A while back I was watching the debate between Christine O'Donnell and Chris Coons. He was asked a question about whatever the hell it was and he asked if they were referring to the "OLD CONSTITUTION" or the Constitution of 1964, or whatever, I'm paraphrasing here a bit, but there is only one constitution and I think this is a new talking point to get the sheep to forget that exact thing. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a lot more about the "old constitution" DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!

Here is the exact quote found on: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/10/christine-odonnell-chris-coons-debate.html

"I’m interested if we can explore further your suggestion that the Constitution would be your guide. Because I'm interested in hearing whether it's the Constitution as passed by the founders, the Constitution of 1920, 1930, the Constitution of 1975, the Constitution of today."

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16 March, 2011

Obama Fiddles While Fukushima Burns

Obama Fiddles While Fukushima Burns

Obama Plays While Japan begs for Help

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
March 16, 2011

History tells us that Nero fiddled while Rome burned, but Barack Obama is providing the famous emperor with some serious competition when it comes to going AWOL while America and the world face crises the likes of which haven’t been experienced in decades.

Even as the situation at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant continues to worsen by the hour, and as radiation surges across the Pacific towards the U.S. west coast while Americans panic buy supplies of potassium iodide, President Obama seems remarkably sanguine about the whole affair.

While protests and civil wars rage in Libya and Bahrain, Obama is keeping himself busy by videotaping his NCAA tournament picks, hitting the golf course for the 61st time in his presidency, and partying with lawmakers during a Chicago Bulls vs. Charlotte Bobcats game.

While Japan begs the United States for help to rescue the dire situation at Fukushima, Obama seems more concerned about dressing up nicely to please the media elite at the annual Gridiron Dinner.

Even as the planet faces the threat of a “new Chernobyl on steroids,” Obama has chosen to prioritize a speech about “Women’s History Month,” a White House get-together on “bullying” and a meeting with the Chicago Blackhawks instead of offering any kind of leadership.

More on infowars.com Obama Fiddles While Fukushima Burns / Obama Plays While Japan begs for Help

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03 March, 2011

Hillary Clinton Wants WWII style Propaganda

Hillary Clinton Wants WWII style Propaganda:

It seems our Secretary of state has some very "rebublicrat" views. Obviously she is no different from obamabushclintonbush. But we all should know, by now, that these people are puppets. Some of you brush this off, but do not fear to learn the truth. The truth will awaken you, once you choose to learn it.

There is almost no difference between left or right wing politicians. There are a few that stand out, and are different, but the media tries to make them look like imbeciles. They take small talking points, of which you do not understand because you have not studied history and banking, and make these people look crazy, when in fact they are the only honest politicians. Honest = Crazy!

She does not want regular Americans getting their news from various sources so we may filter it, and distinguish truth from lies. She seems to want pure government propaganda! Watch the video...

Let it be known that if you continue to follow the words of your main stream media team, weather it be fox, nbc, cnn, abc or the other one that nobody follows (cbs, remember them), then when it all comes down, you can pat yourself on the back as being part of the problem to begin with.

I think that God has given us access, like never before in history, to figure out what is really going on. Think about it, in a mouse click we can read news from any country in the world. Most people just go to gossip sites, and I believe that those people, however upstanding in life they are, will have to answer for that. If you are not searching for truth, please comment and tell me why!!!

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Visit My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

Palm Trees in Wisconsin! Fox news caught again

Again, fox news is caught in what can only be considered a lie. Here, on Bill O'reilly's show, we have palm trees in Wisconsin. Big tall palm trees. Is this global warming? When you watch the video, keep an eye on the skyline of the street. It is lined with beautiful Palm trees that one might find in Daytona Beach Or L.A.

Check the video:

For more instances of the dishonesty of fox news, please check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fox+news+caught&aq=f

Once again, thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this blog.

Visit My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

01 March, 2011

28 February, 2011

Inside Job - Oscar winner acceptance speech

Inside Job is a 2010 documentary film about the financial crisis of 2007-2010 directed by Charles H. Ferguson. The film was screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2010. The film won the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature in 2011.

Visit My Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

17 February, 2011

Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech

Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech

Partnership for Civil Justice

As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her speech at George Washington University yesterday condemning governments that arrest protestors and do not allow free expression, 71-year-old Ray McGovern was grabbed from the audience in plain view of her by police and an unidentified official in plain clothes, brutalized and left bleeding in jail. She never paused speaking. When Secretary Clinton began her speech, Mr. McGovern remained standing silently in the audience and turned his back. Mr. McGovern, a veteran Army officer who also worked as a CIA analyst for 27 years, was wearing a Veterans for Peace t-shirt.

Blind-sided by security officers who pounced upon him, Mr. McGovern remarked, as he was hauled out the door, “So this is America?” Mr. McGovern is covered with bruises, lacerations and contusions inflicted in the assault.

Mr. McGovern is being represented by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF). “It is the ultimate definition of lip service that Secretary of State Clinton would be trumpeting the U.S. government’s supposed concerns for free speech rights and this man would be simultaneously brutalized and arrested for engaging in a peaceful act of dissent at her speech,” stated attorney Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of the PCJF.

Mr. McGovern now works for Tell the Word, a publishing arm of the ecumenical Church of the Saviour in the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington, D.C.

Almost Unrelated Video:

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Ray McGovern Bloodied and Arrested at Clinton Speech

16 February, 2011

Busted:Fox News CPAC Ron Paul Video Deception

Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
February 16, 2011

In a shocking act of mass public deception, Fox News attempted to skew Ron Paul’s 2011 CPAC straw poll win by representing it with footage from the previous year’s CPAC event, at which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed the result, another example of the continuing dirty tricks campaign being waged against Paul by the establishment media.

Congressman Paul replicated his 2010 victory over Mitt Romney by defeating the former Governor of Massachusetts for a second consecutive year at the annual CPAC conference.

However, before anchor Bill Hemmer introduced a segment concerning the story, Fox News played a clip of the 2010 announcement of the poll results, during which Mitt Romney supporters had loudly booed Ron Paul’s victory, passing off last year’s footage as representative of this year’s event.

More Here: http://www.infowars.com/fox-news-caught-in-shocking-dirty-tricks-stunt-against-ron-paul/

Fox News Caught

Unrelated Video:

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Fox News Caught Fox News Caught Fox News Caught Fox News Caught Fox News Caught Fox News Caught

03 February, 2011

Obama Agenda To Bankrupt Power Plants Triggers Blackouts

Obama Agenda To Bankrupt Power Plants Triggers Blackouts

Paul Joseph Watson
February 3, 2011

The rolling blackouts now being implemented in Texas and across the country as record cold weather grips the United States are a direct consequence of the Obama administration’s agenda to lay siege to the coal industry, launch a takeover of infrastructure under the contrived global warming scam, and help usher in the post-industrial collapse of America.

Planned power outages conducted by utility companies have caused outrage amongst officials at four major hospitals in Texas, at Parkland, Baylor, Methodist and Presbyterian Dallas.

“Because of the sensitive life-saving equipment, hospitals are considered “critical care facilities,” and supposed to be exempt from rolling blackouts, Reports CBS 11.

“That’s exactly what Presbyterian Dallas was led to believe. “We were of the understanding that hospitals and other critical-care providers were not supposed to be affected by planned outages,” said hospital spokesman Stephen O’Brien.”

As well as hospitals, nursing homes, fire stations, police stations, other emergency response facilities have also been hit with outages as demand soars due to freezing temperatures. Many places in Texas now rely on Mexico to supply their power.

“Mexico’s state electricity company on Wednesday started supplying electricity to the US state of Texas, where demand shot up amid unusually cold temperatures and caused power outages,” reports AFP.

Hospitals are supposed to be exempt from the blackouts which hit yesterday, with power company Oncor attributing the outages to a “mistake,” but there were no such mistakes when it came to supplying power to Cowboys Stadium. The government has ensured that the blackouts will not affect Super Bowl venues, a decision that has left residents furious.

Street lights and traffic lights have also been hit by the outages, causing traffic build-ups and other hazards more typically associated with a decrepit underdeveloped country, and not with the supposed leading light of the prosperous first world.

The inability of power companies to meet demand is almost exclusively a consequence of the Obama administration’s publicly stated goal to bankrupt the coal industry and in turn ram through the de-industrialization of America under the guise of the phony global warming mantra.

Even as China and Mexico are allowed to build dozens of new power plants every year, the United States is barely permitted to construct a handful, as the Environmental Protection Agency takes control of refineries and power plants under the completely fraudulent pretext of preventing global warming even as the country experiences some of the coldest weather seen for decades.

Texas has been the epicenter in a battle over the Obama administration’s drive to have the EPA regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Texas is the only state that has refused to implement a permit process.

“Austin said it would not establish such a scheme for greenhouse gas emissions because the US Environmental Protection Agency had no authority to regulate them as of January 2,” reported the Financial Times.

“Twelve other states are mounting a legal challenge to the federal government’s authority but they, unlike Texas, are implementing the new measures while the dispute makes its way through the courts.”

Local environmental officials in Texas were again involved in a fight with the EPA after the, “Texas Commission on Environmental Quality last week approved an air permit for the $3.2 billion Las Brisas Energy Center despite a formal EPA request that the commission delay issuing the permit until EPA’s concerns about the plant’s emissions impacts are fully addressed.”

Read more here: http://www.infowars.com/obama-agenda-to-bankrupt-power-plants-triggers-blackouts/

Unrelated Video:

Visit My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

27 January, 2011

Citizen Spy Networks

Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity

Citizen Spy Networks
Paul Joseph Watson
January 27, 2011

New York Republican Peter King has introduced a bill that would protect the army of citizen spies Homeland Security hopes to recruit under Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” snoop campaign from lawsuits brought by innocent people wrongly accused of being terrorists or extremists.


Unrelated Video:

Citizen Spy Networks

Visit My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

26 January, 2011

Abercrombie Admits Failure

Abercrombie Admits Failure
Abercrombie Birth Certificate

Abercrombie Admits Failure To Discover Obama Birth Certificate

Paul Joseph Watson
January 26, 2011

Veteran reporter Mike Evans has described in a radio interview how Hawaii Governor and close friend Neil Abercrombie was shocked at his failure to discover Obama’s birth certificate after using his power to search hospital records, an outcome that could seriously impact President Obama’s re-election campaign.

More: Click for more

Abercrombie Admits Failure
Abercrombie Birth Certificate

Unrelated Video:

Visit My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/gregalabama

Abercrombie Admits Failure
Abercrombie Birth Certificate

05 January, 2011

Censored Jesse Ventura

Censored Jesse Ventura

Censored Jesse Ventura Show On FEMA Camps Survives On You Tube

We urge you to watch the videos below because they might not be around for much longer. Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show about the police state and FEMA camps, which TruTV never aired because of constant government harassment and pressure, has already been memory-holed and is now under threat of being removed from You Tube as well.

The show covers the takeover plan and what they don’t want you to see – how martial law is being implemented in America. Get these videos now and share them before they disappear forever.

More here: Censored Jesse Ventura

Go Here Too! My Page

Censored Jesse Ventura