03 March, 2011

Palm Trees in Wisconsin! Fox news caught again

Again, fox news is caught in what can only be considered a lie. Here, on Bill O'reilly's show, we have palm trees in Wisconsin. Big tall palm trees. Is this global warming? When you watch the video, keep an eye on the skyline of the street. It is lined with beautiful Palm trees that one might find in Daytona Beach Or L.A.

Check the video:

For more instances of the dishonesty of fox news, please check out this link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=fox+news+caught&aq=f

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1 comment:

Montana said...

O’rielly, what a joke, didn’t he say “video comes in video comes out never a miscommunication”. Why is it that so many fools follow this liar? It looks like that the top republican candidates for president will be coming from “Fake News/ Fox News”, or should I say “Big Business”, how funny.

I wonder if “Fake News” has a stable of likely republican supreme court justices (I am sure they will all attend the republican state of the union, unlike Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas, scum bags).