09 June, 2016

Crooked Hillary Clinton will take away our gun rights - Vote Trump

First: I have to say that I was a Ron Paul 2008 supporter (hanging signs on interstates and all that) as well as a 2012 Ron Paul Supporter (with bitches [err, I mean supporters] that wouldn't do shit) ;) .

Today, the 9th Circus (sic ;) Court of Appeals ruled that there is no right for one to conceal carry without good cause shown. Well, there’s a big new gray area, isn’t it? Those on the anti-gun platform liken the benefits of the 2d. A., as one compared to the weapons of the time, and only want us citizens to have muskets and such. Let us take a little look into that theory, and then blow the shit out of it.

Back in the day, of, ohh, I dunno, December 15, 1791, the “People” of the United States, as well as the various governments around the world (including ours) had muskets, cannons, and weapons of the time. There were no restrictions to the 2d. A. Our country, at that time, recognized the need of the people to be as capable as any other invading, or tyrannical government(s) which may form from within.

200 and some odd years later, governments have weapons of mass destruction, and for the most part, the citizenry are, at best, equipped with weapons that look like, but are not, war rifles. Politicians and Hollywood “stars”, regularly surround themselves with men of fighting age, and capability, who are carrying concealed. Why? Because they choose to live a life surrounded by sycophants, while manipulating the social agenda to suit their unfounded and unrealistic desires, or other reasons, and feel the need to be protected.

That justifies concealed carry for them, and their security, in California for example, for “good cause shown”. Yet, regular citizens, in the 9th Circus, must now show some level of “good cause shown” that is accepted by their local government.

What is “good cause shown”? Wanting to protect your life in the case someone tries to carjack you on the freeway in LA? I’d say “yes”, but, I fear that would not be enough for the 9th. Circus Court of Appeals. I fear that if this is brought to the SCOTUS our rights will be in peril. If there is a 4/4 vote on this, the “good cause shown” will possibly be the law of the land.

I don’t think, and really hope, that this case will be granted certiorari by SCOTUS before Trump is elected. If Crooked hillary (sic ;) is elected, she will appoint anti-freedom people to the SCOTUS to ensure we are disarmed.

This is serious business. Please take time to look into your candidate. The TV “news” is a bought and paid for cesspool of liars. Bernie supporters know this, and that’s why many of them will not support Crooked hillary (sic ;).

That’s all I have to say, about that.

Once again, thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this blog.

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