24 July, 2008

The thought process of the American voter is scary.

Must see video of absolute dumbasses...
Take a few minutes to entertain yourself with these vids....

In this first video, we have typical beach goers explaining why they are voting for whoever it is they like.

MUST SEE TO BELIEVE how willfully ignorant these people really are
(are you one of them?)

By popular demand, here is a follow up video.
Ron Paul voters asked the same questions Of course, they knew all of the policies

...and now What is this "CHANGE" we've been hearing about

So, you see, basically, if you voted for anyone other than paul, you're right in line with these friggin morons that are helping to ruin our country with their willful ignorance. Maybe it's time to wake the hell up? Maybe? a little?

Do a little research on the other candidates running for office and consider their platforms. McCain and Obama are candidates that to me, offer little "change" and seem to be more concerned with corporate policies than such pesky ideas of following the constitution and ensuring our liberty. Once you are able to get out of this left/right democrat/republican paradigm, you will see they they are nearly the same with only superficial differences in agendas. I've heard the phrase these two parties are "two wings on the same bird". I agree with this.

I'll most likely be writing in my candidate if there's that option on the Alabama ballot.