05 January, 2011

Censored Jesse Ventura

Censored Jesse Ventura

Censored Jesse Ventura Show On FEMA Camps Survives On You Tube

We urge you to watch the videos below because they might not be around for much longer. Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show about the police state and FEMA camps, which TruTV never aired because of constant government harassment and pressure, has already been memory-holed and is now under threat of being removed from You Tube as well.

The show covers the takeover plan and what they don’t want you to see – how martial law is being implemented in America. Get these videos now and share them before they disappear forever.

More here: Censored Jesse Ventura

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Censored Jesse Ventura

1 comment:

paul costello said...


London based Goldman Sachs metal trader Andrew Maguire blew the whistle several months back with evidence of massive fraud in the metals market... dwarfing even the Madoff case. Just after going public, media outlets lined him up for appearances. A day later all MSM interviews were abruptly canceled. Mr. Maguire was NOT invited to give testimony when the CFTC, the regulatory body that oversees Futures markets investigated the matter.

Shortly there after an attempt was made on Mr. Maguire's life in the form of a hit and run. London authorities claim to have tracked down the driver, but no further information has been released. I can find no coverage of this story on ANY MSM outlets.

I can think of no better example of the intersection of corrupt bankers, corrupt government and corrupt media. PLEASE spend 15 minutes to listen to Mr. Maguire's interview on King World News.


Thanks for reading.
