1. They say there's too much CO2 and we need to reduce it because it is bad for the earth.
2. The way they want to do this is a global tax.
3. CO2 is carbon dioxide that TREES and PLANTS breathe. What happens if you reduce CO2? The trees and plants can't breathe so they don't. Then they don't give us Oxygen and we die. Wake up! At least in the 1980's they're were screaming about Carbon MONOxide, which does make a little sense.
4. I think the globalists are just trying to see how stupid people really are.
CO2 = bad, my ass.
From wikipedia to the dummies:
Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight; and the end-products are oxygen and (energy rich) carbohydrates, for example sucrose, glucose and starch. This process is arguably the most important biochemical pathway,[1] since nearly all life on Earth either directly or indirectly depends on it.
Below is a video (absolutely un-related) of a Mexican parade that passes my house each year. Enjoy it!
I've been noticing a lot of black people lately wearing NASCAR jackets and hats. I first noticed a year or two ago at the grocery store. This guy had a Jeff Gordon Dupont jacket on. So I commented something about him being a Gordo fan. He looked at me like I said something about wanting to kick his dog. I guess he wasn't a Gordon fan.
Yesterday we went to Ryan's house of gluttony aka steakhouse buffet. BIG MISTAKE, but I digress…
I noticed this little black baby with a NASCAR jacket on. I said to Beth, I says, "He's got him a little Mark Martin jacket on. I said loud enough that the parents being obviously Mark Martin fans would acknowledge my remark with a thumbs up or something. I got nothing. They didn't react in any order. This lead me to believe that the wearing of NASCAR hundred dollar jackets with product endorsements all over them by African-American is a very ironic fashion phenomenon. I became intrigued.
With Ryan's being, well, Ryan's, I had plenty of test subjects for testing my hypothesis. Quickly I noticed a man in what appeared to be in his mid twenties. He was wearing not only a Tony Stewart/Home Depot/Coca cola/ on and on, endorsement NASCAR official jacket, he was also wearing a #20 Tony Stewart / Home Depot beanie hat, aka skull cap.
If any guy was going to be a fan it was going to be this guy I thought. I see the guy walk over to the buffet, so I grab me an empty plate and head that way. As I'm slopping some nasty instant mashed potato crap onto my plate I asked this guy if he had any knowledge of who won the bud shootout last night.
Let me take a second to stop this story and let everyone reading know that last night TONY STEWART won the bud shootout.
This is a no brainier, If this guy was even a half assed # 20 / Tony Stewart / Home Depot / Coca Cola / NASCAR fan, he's going to give me some sort of "Ohh PASTA TONY ALL DA WAY!!" or some shit. This guy has all the regalia on, he is Tony's numero uno fan right?
He looked at me like I said "I like to fill my shoes with these here mashed potatoes and then squish them between my toes". Then he walked away, therefore qualifying my hypothesis. I do believe we now have a working theory.
There is a book I have read recently by Naomi Klein called "No Logo" which explains the principals behind "branding" and how to make a brand more important than a product. It sort of explains this hypotheses although NASCAR jackets are not the direct topic of the discussion within the book.
Today begins a short strike of independent truckers. All the pretty trucks are usually the independent drivers. They take pride in their machines and work long and hard on the road to be able to drive their own truck. Let me digress for a bit…
In the 1920’s we had an agriculture depression that preceded the depression brought upon to us by the wall street bankers. In the 1920’s the bankers went to the farmers and convinced them to buy tractors with credit and they would be able to multiply their profits. Well, that didn’t happen. All the farmers bought tractors and produced vast quantities which made the price of these products drop, thus making the profit margin increase to the farmer minimal. He couldn’t pay for the tractor and thus his farm ultimately got bought by a larger corporation. Now we have these mega corporations doing most of our farming and the independent farmer is hard to find.
That’s a very quick summary, but you can probably find more information on this should you research it on your own.
Here’s my point for today. The truckers now are really being pinched. They can’t buy fuel at the same rate as the bigger companies out there. The drivers for the large corporations don’t really feel this pinch like the independent trucker does. The independent truckers has to purchase his own fuel and pay what adds up to a head hunters fee sometimes as much as 20% just for someone finding him a load to run across the country.
The deck is stacked against him at this time and I really don’t think the big guys mind. The independent drivers, facing these high fuel costs, are having a hard time competing with the large corporations that compete for their business. I would not be surprised to see a large buy out of most of the independent truckers in the next few years.
Another big issue facing the truckers of the United States is the “Security and Prosperity Partnership" aka North American Union. To check into this go to youtube and search “Lou Dobbs SPP”
Here is a video:
With Mexican truckers running loads across our country, the price an American independent driver will be able to command on a load will drop to such a level that he will simply not be able to maintain the style of life that he has earned. This is just another example of how the corporate controlled government that we have, seek only to increase their profit margin at the expense of every American.