1. They say there's too much CO2 and we need to reduce it because it is bad for the earth.
2. The way they want to do this is a global tax.
3. CO2 is carbon dioxide that TREES and PLANTS breathe. What happens if you reduce CO2? The trees and plants can't breathe so they don't. Then they don't give us Oxygen and we die. Wake up! At least in the 1980's they're were screaming about Carbon MONOxide, which does make a little sense.
4. I think the globalists are just trying to see how stupid people really are.
CO2 = bad, my ass.
From wikipedia to the dummies:
Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight; and the end-products are oxygen and (energy rich) carbohydrates, for example sucrose, glucose and starch. This process is arguably the most important biochemical pathway,[1] since nearly all life on Earth either directly or indirectly depends on it.
Below is a video (absolutely un-related) of a Mexican parade that passes my house each year. Enjoy it!
For more video fun, stop by my yotube channel! :)
CO2=bad,my ass???
Go sit in a room full of CO2 for a few hours. I'll even put a daisy in there with you to convert all the CO2.If you're right in your assertion, you should have no problems breathing.
You fail to discuss the effects of algae blooms as a result of excessive CO2 in the oceans and the effects of deforestation with respect to the planet's ability to convert CO2 to C and O2. You also fail to refute any of the mountains of scientific research that suggest you're full of crap.Instead, you resort to predictable ad hominem, like any good neocon does.
Here's some reading to enjoy:
I suppose you'll discredit the members of the American Meteorological Association as dumb asses too, considering you have zero scientific training.
Try to be respectful of other points of view, and you'll get more respect, you jerk.
Quit talking out of your butt, dumbass.
Don't worry about "JetsFan" who can't think for himself and he truly knows zip. You aren't allowed to have your own opinion. You need to get on the bandwagon or you won't get ahead. How can a person 'believe' in 'global warming' - how ridiculous.
People have forgotten about the Club of Rome. Check this out:
sorry, my reference to the Club of Rome was with respect to the Greenhouse myth they perpetuated & I don't agree with everthing on this page it is just an illustration:
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