We've been hearing about an upswing in violence in Afghanistan aimed at Americans lately. The media is blaming this on some redneck pastor in Florida burning the Koran.
Oddly, there are no reports, that I can find, of violence directed at Americans for this reason in any other country except Afghanistan. It would appear that the Media has forgotten that just last week, reports were everywhere about a (hopefully small) contingency of US soldiers taking pictures of civilians they had killed as if it were a prized deer.
One must ask weather the media is trying to white wash this story, or are they simply trying to get the populace to forget it even happened in the first place. I'm sure that images like these (below) of soldiers posing with dead civilians are much more infuriating to the people of Afghanistan than is some redneck in Florida burning a book.
Common sense tells me that the media is covering up the real reason behind the anger. Again, I must mention that the only people that seem to be angry enough about this to kill, are Afghans. It would seem that the entire Muslim world would be mad about this; even the guys at the gas station that sell me gas and know my name, and smile and ask how I'm doing when I come in. They sure don't seem to have ill feelings towards me. What could be the media's motivation for this obvious deception? Perhaps to further radicalize the western views of Islam?
Our media needs to stop omitting the truth when they tell their tales. It almost seems like they are explaining issues to us like a parent would to their five year old; hiding the scary truth so we don't have bad dreams. That has the opposite effect on me, it gives me bad dreams. I think I would sleep better at night if I felt I could truly trust our media. If you trust the media, please comment and tell me how that is possible.
Once again, thanks for taking the time to stop by and read this blog.
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