23 March, 2011

Senator Chris Coons "Old Constitution"?

I never got around to posting this one here...

A while back I was watching the debate between Christine O'Donnell and Chris Coons. He was asked a question about whatever the hell it was and he asked if they were referring to the "OLD CONSTITUTION" or the Constitution of 1964, or whatever, I'm paraphrasing here a bit, but there is only one constitution and I think this is a new talking point to get the sheep to forget that exact thing. I wouldn't be surprised to hear a lot more about the "old constitution" DO NOT BE FOOLED!!!

Here is the exact quote found on: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2010/10/christine-odonnell-chris-coons-debate.html

"I’m interested if we can explore further your suggestion that the Constitution would be your guide. Because I'm interested in hearing whether it's the Constitution as passed by the founders, the Constitution of 1920, 1930, the Constitution of 1975, the Constitution of today."

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