Here’s something that’s none of our business but everyone should be educating themselves on. This situation could very well lead to WW-III or as Zbigniew Brzezinski would call WW-IV. (He called the cold war WW-III).
Our media is reporting that Russia just got a wild hair up their ass and attacked Georgia (not our Georgia, dummy) for no reason; on the eve of the Olympics no less! I though that to be fishy so I decided to look into it further. There is a good way to get other sources of news, and that of course is independent media which is widely available through the Internet. Here’s a website that has TV channels from around the world.
Have a look around that page for other views.
Here’s how I understand the situation going on in Russia. Georgia was part of Russia (USSR) as it has been off an on as far back as you can look in history. South Ossetia has been part of both and all together as one country. After the fall of the USSR, Georgia held on to South Ossetia. Recently South Ossetia declared by something like 98% to gain independence. Georgia struck South Ossetia to regain control of their capitol on the 7th of August 2008. Since South Ossetia and Ossetia (north of it, but in Russia) are the same ethnicity, Russia came in to help or for “peacekeeping”. Refugees are flooding into Russia as this conflict goes continues.
Next, is the part our media discusses (Russia attacking for no reason they stated) and weather or not we should intervene in this situation. I don’t think there is any reason to intervene even though there are pipelines owned by B.P. in the area. What is it about B.P. and sensitive politics anyway? Incidentally I came home during lunch today to find the media (CNN) discussing these pipelines.
This is a regional conflict that needs to be handled by the countries involved. Taking sides in this conflict would be unwise as the conflict would only grow. Georgia’s president seems to be counting on cooperation from NATO even though as of today Russia claims they have accomplished their goal (whatever that really was I yet don’t know) and are backing out. Mikheil Saakashvili (Georgia’s president) today stated that Georgia will never surrender, whatever that means.
The best case scenario I could see, would be to watch this one from the sidelines and aid no side whatsoever. After all, wouldn’t it be hypocritical to denounce one country entering another country to engage in hostilities weather or not it was “preemptive”. Also, history shows that western countries interfering with eastern European countries, leads to massive global problems.
The worst case scenario would be something like NATO or the E.U. or USA and Israel siding with Georgia. I don’t see any possibility of a western country siding with Russia. I do, however see countries like Iran, India and China taking sides with Russia because of the strong economic ties these countries share. If this was to happen and it won’t happen unless Georgia is supported, it will lead to WW-III. I guess those awaiting the Rapture will be cheering acceleration of this situation.
If you want another take on this situation, check out my friend Ry*n's blog.
UPDATE: 12 Year Old Amanda Kokoeva Caught in Crossfire, tells her tale on FOX Noise along with her Aunt. Fox cuts to break when the truth gets out:
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