It’s been a while since I put anything on here so I thought I’d give my loyal readership something to ponder. By the way, I figure Sarah won’t get “Spiro Agnew’d”, so there goes that idea. (loyal readers will know what I am talking about) Today, I offer an opinion that I have pondered a few times in the past.
Here in the good old USA, we live in a free country. We have more freedoms than any other country in the world. How many times have you heard that during your life? Now I will add to that idea with this: In the United States, all citizens are free to enjoy all the liberties afforded to you by the constitution, as long as you are and act like everybody else. You’re as free as you want to be as long as you are the same!
If you look a bit different than most people, you’re basically still the same, so I’m not talking about that. You’ve seen that young confused American with tattoos and blue hair and 47 earrings of which only 3 are in his/her ears. Is that person different? I would say, probably not. They more than likely still watch popular television programs, drive a similar car, work in similar places and eat similar food as the rest of us. They are the same; it’s just a different wrapper on the outside. Now let’s look at the truly different people. How about the Amish? They’re surely different, but they’ve been around for a while so we typically leave them alone as far as I can tell. They’ve even been glorified in movies.
Mormons are a bit different, but they have had to change their ways considerably since their start. I won’t pretend to know much about them, but I do know that when a few of them go back to what seems to be their roots, they are now a “cult of weirdoes” and their children get taken away from them. Is it for the government to decide how people live their life in the freest country in the world? I may not like what they do, but who’s place is it to tell them how to live?
What about Randy Weaver? He decided to move to Idaho and home school his kids. He might have had a bit of a different perspective on things that the typical American, but again, who’s place is it to tell him how to live? His wife and son got killed by the government because they were different. Did he deserve this fate in the land of the free?
What about Waco, those people were different too. I guess they needed to die for that.
There’s also the “speak ‘merican or git” crowd. I can understand the need for most people to speak the same language, but should it be required in the freest country in the world? I grew up in Miami, knew very little Spanish, but I managed to make it. I don’t give a damn if someone learns English or not. If they don’t, it’s their business. Most immigrants, that are planning to stay around, do learn English.
In my view, anyone should be aloud to be as weird / different as they want, as long as they aren’t interfering with others that are living their life in the manner they choose. It’s my plan to continue to live in the typical American life, but I do this of my own accord due to the influences throughout my life. I don’t feel like being too different so I’ll stay the same. We should be free to be exactly like our neighbor, or extremely different from them. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the reality when one becomes too different.