Vote the bastards out, all of them!
When I first reached voting age, I found myself voting against any and all incumbents. At the time I didn’t have the ability to express the motivation for doing so, but recent elections have made the issue clear.
We live in a shameful time of popularity and name recognition. It is plainly obvious just being at the checkout of the local mega corporation “corner” pharmacy, CVS, Rite Aid, whatever. You see the same names on all the rag gossip magazines time after time. I never really understood how these magazines make money. I never met anyone that would admit to having purchased one. I digress, but for a reason; name recognition is killing our country.
When elections are near; one of the most popular mind numbing tricks the candidates and media use on the public is their opponents “elect-ability”. That’s propaganda for name recognition/popularity. This issue supersedes real issues such as the candidates’ stances on issues of importance. Right now we have a choice between two people who offer no real difference between each other.
Here’s a video comparing Hillary, McCain and Obama or “McHillBama”. To Ron Paul, it’s only two minutes, so check it out to see what I am talking about.
Back to the subject, We need to vote the bastards out. How long have your state's senators been rotting away our constitution up there in D.C.? I’m guessing you can’t remember when they weren’t there. Here in Alabama, the “Junior” senator has been in place for 11 years. While that pales in comparison to some being senators and congress(wo)men for more than 20 years it’s a bit too long in my opinion.
Rarely, a bill is introduced to congress to establish term limits, the bills never pass.
Why should we vote the bastards out? Many reasons come to mind, and I’m sure you can think of many yourself. These senators and congressmen really seem to lose the grasp with their constituents the longer they stay in D.C. Just look at the case of Blair Gadsby out in Arizona hunger striking to meet with McCain. McCain will not agree to meet with him. This hunger strike is taking place right out front of McCain’s Arizona office, so it’s not really out of his way.
There’s no doubt in my mind that career politicians develop something other than a sense of obligation to the Unites States and the people they represent. Looking at the laws passed in the past hundred years, one would have to agree that corporations seem to have taken control of our representative government. I can’t think of one law that was passed on the federal level that actually benefits the idea of individual Liberty.
If we kept a fresh group of people in Washington, corruption would decline immensely, In fact, the mere attempt of establishing a lobbyist/representative relationship based on corruption would be much more obvious to the public. As the system stands now, the pressure on a newly elected representative by established members to vote in a certain manner must be intimidating. Are ya with me? Maybe I’m rambling, but if everyone were new, every 4 years the cycle would produce a fresh group and honesty would prevail. Sure; there’d be a lot more former members of congress participating in their very lucrative retirement program, but maybe they’d even change that program to be more realistic.
Serving the American people should be done out of a willingness to give your efforts back to the country, not a sense of greed to steal from your countrymen.