You seem to agree with Mr. Bush's foreign policy. As a former member of the Marine Corps (but really someone that reads a lot of foreign policy books but the marine corps part seems to garner more respect) I can tell you that anything we are doing right now is not protecting the United States. It is protecting globalists bankers and making them richer.
Let me offer you a few quick facts as to why we are where we are today.
1953 US and Great Brittan overthrows the democratically elected government of Iran and installs the shaw. He rules as a tyrant until 1979 when the Iranian revolution happened. Yeah they took some hostages, but how many people died in our engineering of the coup? We'll never know.
The reason for this was that BP wanted to get all the oil in Iran for free. Iran wanted to make a little money from it. HOW DARE THEM.
Now you're probably tired of reading this already but I must ask W.W.J.D.? You spew religious rhetoric constantly on the air yet you seem to be providing disinformation to your listeners. W.W.J.D.? Probably not that.
If I may suggest some further reading before you go on about how marvelous the troops are abroad protecting our Über elitist scumbags that run this country.
"Blowback" By Chalmers Johnson
"The Ten Thousand Day War" by Michael Maclear
"Armed Madhouse" by Greg Palast
"War Is A Racket" by Major General Smedley Butler
"Confessions of and Economic Hitman" by John Perkins
"The Secret History of the American" Empire by John Perkins
If reading is not your thing, you can watch "America Freedom to Fascism". It's for free on Google video.